Stage Name: Max (Choikang)
Real Name: Shim Changmin
Birthday: February 18, 1988
Birthplace : Seoul
Height: 188 cm
Weight: 61 kg
Blood Type: B
Hobbies: Games, singing, reading and listening to music
Special Ability:singing and dancing
Achievements: 6th Annual SM Best Competition: Best Singing 1st Place & Best Artist of the Competition
ChoiKang Changmin, whose high note is outstanding.
The youngest of our group ChoiKang Changmin is a crybaby. When his singing goes wrong he cries. But he has a brave side to him too. Starting from elemantary school in 6th grade, he delivered newspapers as a part-time job.
Changmin is the youngest in the family and group but none can complete against his singing. His high note is so outstanding that he doesnt know what octave it goes up to. He says that he worries that if he knows it might interrupt his singing.
Changmin is a quiet person and doesnt talk very much. In an interview, he only says 2 or 3 things in the end. Changmin is a clear person who reads the Harry Potter Series and tell everyone about it. He participated in a singing contest and won an award. That led him to be a singer but before that he was regular student.
92 Things About Max
Male or Female: Male
Birthdate: February 18, 1988. Around 5 AM.
Family: Dad, Mom, Me, Two younger sisters.
Skin Tone: Reddish tan.
Height: 188
When were you most sad: I don't think I've ever been REALLY sad.
When I was the happiest: When I first walked into SM.
Musicians I look up to: Brian Mcknight, Shin Hyesung, Kangta.
Places I go most often: School, Learning Centers, bus stops, restaurants.
When do you watch the most movies: After tests, summer.
What kind of person am I: I laugh too brightly. I don't get mad easily.
Favorite song to sing at Karaoke: Yurisangja - To my bride.
First love: No one.
Fav. Movie: Harry Potter, most anything that's fun.
Favorite flower: ...buht kkot
Fav. TV show: I don't watch too much TV.
What would you do if you weren't a singer: ... .
Favorite Books: Harry Potter ( I sound so young).
Where I want to visit: Europe.
Fav. Food: I like almost everything.
Fav. Fruit: tangerines, bananas, oranges.
Fav. Color: White.
Nicest thing I did: When I volunteered to clean up my school.
My most important possession: CD player.
Something I want to say: hm...I'll do my best at everything.
People I remember: People who work for me, my friends, seniors, family.
People I think of: The people I like.
If you died: ....
Good thing about yourself: I smile a lot.
Something bad about yourself: I kind of act sudden.
People you respect: People who work hard.
Ideal birthday present: Anything is good.
Hardest thing you had to do: Most eveything.
hobbies: listening to music, singing.
Specialties: Singing.
Habits: goofing off with friends.
What I want to do for the person I love: Everything I can.
What I want to receive from the person I love: Everything they can give me.
What I want to do with the person I love: A lot of stuff, uhm, walking together.
Prized Possession: Family.
Fav. Animal: Dog.
How are you dressed: Tshirt, pants.
People I don't like: People with bad personalities.
When I look weak: When I can't do something I'm set out to do.
Stress reliever: Music, singing.
When I hurt someone: I don't think I have.
What you think when you look in the mirror: .....
Something I most regret: When I can't do something.
# of kids you want: 2 or 3
What's your phone greeting: I can't remember
Today's weather: It's dark.
Fav. #: 7
How much can you drink: .....
Slept over anywhere: At my friend's.
Have you ever run away from home: no.
Ideal woman: good personality, cute.
What I want to say to my friends: I'll do my best to make you happy.
What I want to eat: Everything
Your personality: I think it's pretty decent.
How often do you go to the bathroom: depends...
religion: Bool Gyo,
Do you like receiving or giving: Both.
Most memorable day: When i stayed at school until late and talked with my friends.
Fav. Fashion: I'm not very good with clothes.
Hours of sleep you get: 5-6
When you don't like yourself: When I can't do something I want to.
When I find myself charismatic: hehe
People you've gone out with: 0
Where do you look first when you see someone: eyes.
What I think of my life so far: 50/50
Complex: My skin's kinda dark.
You like your mom or dad: both!
When you fight with someone: I feel sad.
When someone wants to break up: I think I'd be at a loss of words
If someone you loved got a horrible disease: I think I'd try my all to make them better
If your parents didn't like the person you loved: SUHLDEUK
What are you going to do after you finish this: get ready for school tomorrow and clean up and sleep.
What you think of couples: they're cute.
Nicknames: ........
What you have next to you: printer, homework, my mouse.
Movies I want to see: Crazy first love, Memories of murder.
Movie that I most remember: I am Sam
People i see most often:teacher,friends
Fav. Sport: baseball, ball.
Your hairstyle as of now: I'm drying my hair.
Fav season: winter
What do you have in your bag: chap stick, books, CD-p.
How many cards do you have: my student ID, bus card...hehhe
When you're sad: when I'm having a bad day
What kid of women do you not like: ones with bad personalities.
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